This website shows historic menorahs from the twenty-first century. Menorah illustrations from other centuries: Ancient Menorahs until the 1st century, 2nd century, 3rd century, 4th century, 5th century, 6th-10th century, 11th-13th century, 14th century, 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century. Coins and Medals
Image from the website of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. The picture shows the kohen kindling the seven lamps of the menorah in the Temple sanctuary, part of the daily Tamid service. On the left he is kindling a straight-branched menorah. On the right he is kindling a round-branched menorah. Source: Link
A visualization of a visitor exploring the virtual Temple Mount. Courtesy of The Western Wall Heritage Foundation. A Look into the Past. For the first time in Israel you can take a tour of the Second Temple using advanced virtual-reality technology. This 360-degree perspective lets you see the beauty of the Temple that was destroyed approximately 2,000 years ago. Haaretz. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
The Virtual Tabernacle. A new, cutting-edge, technology has just been released to the public, Virtual Reality. For the first time in history desktop computers are powerful enough to create a virtual reality experience that looks and feels very real. In addition, many of the major smart phone companies are now preparing their phones to be used for virtual reality. We are right at the turning point of a new era in multi-media technology. The face of the digital world is changing very rapidly. Link1, Link2
The Biblical Tabernacle Reproduction is a full-size reproduction of Moses’ original Hebrew Tabernacle. This exhibit is fascinating to students of the Bible as well as those interested in cultural studies. Inside the tabernacle you’ll see life-sized replicas of the ark of the covenant, the table of shew bread, the golden candlestick menorah, and more. Located at the Mennonite Information Center along Route 30 east of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
The Holy Place. Tabernacle Exhibit at the "Creation and Earth History Museum", USA. As we emerge from the Holy of Holies into the Holy Place, we’re immediately struck by 3 pieces of furniture: the golden lampstand (Menorah), the table of shewbread, and the golden altar of incense. Source: Link1, Link2
Messiah's Mansion: Mobile Tabernacle replica. Messiah’s Mansion has been touring since 2003, operated by Oklahoma Academy in Harrah, OK. These high school students, along with many dedicated volunteers, have brought this traveling life-sized replica to 15 states, as well as Canada and Jamaica. Each element inside this sanctuary had deep significance to the Hebrew people and this tour brings each symbol to life. Menorah with almond blossoms. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
Ex 37:1-23 Fabrication de l'arche et la table du chandelier (Making the Ark and the Candlestick). French illustration. Also, this golden Menorah has 22 almond blossoms, as described in the 2nd book of Moses. Source: Link
Beautiful representation of the menorah by the artist "Nomodel" (Turbosquid). The Menorah as a part of the Tabernacle of Moses. The golden lampstand has 7 arms with 22 almond blossoms, as described in the Bible. Source: Link
These beautiful illustrations show the Menorah in the 3D view from different directions. The 22 almond blossoms are also good to see. Artist: Nomodel (Turbosquid). Source: Link
Menorah, Jewish candelabra, wrought iron, gold color, handcrafted. Constructed as close as possible to the parameters of the Torah of Yahweh. Composed of 7 arms and 7 oil lamps, wrought iron, gold color. Candelabra with 22 almond blossoms. Dimensions: 1m x 80cm. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador. Original Spanish title: "Menorah, candelabro judío, en hierro forjado color oro, artesanal." Source: Link1, Link2
3D model of the menorah online. The menorah, also called the “golden lampstand” or “candlestick,” stands at the left side of the Holy Place. It was hammered out of one piece of pure gold. Source: Link
The Tabernacle tent with the menorah. The entire tent was 45 feet (13.7 m) long, 15 feet (4.6 m) wide, and 15 feet (4.6 m) high. It was a wooden skeletal structure, overlaid with gold, with no solid roof or front wall (Ex. 26:15–29). Five wooden bars (overlaid with gold) passed through rings attached to each frame (Ex. 26:26–30). ESV study Bible. Source: Link1, Link2
Full-size replica of the golden lampstand, or menorah, from the replica of the Tabernacle at Kibbutz Almog. Copy from the book "The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah. Its Sacrifices, Services, and Priesthood" 1993 by David M. Levy (Author). Almog is an Israeli settlement and a kibbutz near the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea in the Jordan Rift Valley in the West Bank. Source: Link
This seven branched candelabrum (menorah) has 22 almond blossoms and the seven oil lamps. Original image (left) and figure with slight changes (right). Menorah from the replica of the Tabernacle at Kibbutz Almog. Daystarimages. Source: Link
The seven armed lampstand of pure gold by SOSH (Copyright). The menorah has 22 almond blossoms. Source: Link
"The Tabernacle" is an independent project affiliated with Source of Light Ministries, Bangalore (India). The goal of this ministry is to educate Christians in India about the tabernacle of Moses and to make alive the Scriptures that talk about the same. The Menorah or Golden Lampstand stood at the left side of the Holy Place. It was hammered out of one piece of pure gold. Each branch of the Menorah looked like that of an almond tree, containing buds, blossoms and flowers. Source: Link
From the You Tube channel: "Bible Adventure Land." Title of the video: "Why i belive original Menorah look like this lampstand from tabernacle." Published on 24.02.2019. Source: Link
The Golden Lamp stand (menorah) of the Tabernacle. Artist/Photographer: Justinen Creative. GoodSalt Inc. Source: Link
Coloured (gold) menorah by Soshi. A study about the "Tabernacle in the Wilderness" for the Bible Study Group. Source: Link
Tabernacle Menorah. Menorah for the Tabernacle replica at BYU. Source: Link
The Candlestick-Tabernacle. The gold represents the deity of God, the oil represents the Holy Spirit, and the light represents God and the Word of God (Psalm 119:105). The total of the bowls, knops, and flowers is 66 (66 books of the Bible). Source: Link
Menorah. Artist/Photographer: Stan Myers. Image ID: sdmas0043. GodSalt Inc. Source: Link
Frequently used Menorah representation, for example in Wikipedia. Source: Link
The Golden Lampstand Menorah. Cardboard cut-out model templates for the tabernacle furnishings (from Exodus). The model works best if printed directly onto light card or printed onto paper and then glued onto card. The template is designed for A4 sheets. But if it’s too fiddly and difficult at this scale, by all means, enlarge the sheets to A3. This is a good idea, but the candlestick has only 20 almond blossoms, 2 flowers are missing on the candle stem. Source: Link
The Golden Candlestick Menorah by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones. Source: Link (PDF)
Brent Kington Rendering Of The Lampstand. The lampstand has often been mistakenly called a candle stand or candle stick. Rather than using candles, the lampstand had 7 lamps fueled by olive oil. This was one of the few Tabernacle items of solid gold. It stood about as tall as a man. It had decorations on it like almond flowers, buds and branches. Source: Link
This menorah represents the olive tree in Israel with the strength of the roots of Israel. The olive tree has great significance – the olive leaf represents life, the branch is a symbol of peace, olive oil is the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit, and the tree itself represents righteousness and the Tree of Life. Size 7"w x 7"h, with a 3" wide base. Proverbs 3:18 tells us, “Wisdom is a Tree of Life to those who embrace it.” Source: Link
Un chandelier en or pur (A candlestick in pure gold) from France. This Menorah differs from others, because the 22 almond blossoms have been attached separately to the arms of the candlestick. Source: Link
Golden Lampstand (Menorah) with almond blossoms by JacobIsrael. High quality model of the Golden Lampstand that was in the Tabernacle of Moses and later in the Temple of Solomon. Modeled according to the book of Exodus. Model contains ornaments of almond cups, buds and blossoms in accordance with the book of Exodus. Detailed model contains: 7 Gold shaders, 3 Marble shaders, Pyrocluster shader (Fire), Olive oil material, 1 Blank material. Turbosquid. Source: Link
Life-Sized Replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle (Wilderness Tabernacle replica) in Merritt Island, Florida. This Menorah also has 22 almond blossoms, as described in the 2nd Book of Moses. Experience the design of the Old Testament Tabernacle constructed by Moses and the Israelites in the desert of Sinai after their exodus from Egypt. Learn how each detail of the layout, furnishings, and colors point to the coming of Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice. Teen Missions. Source: Link1, Link2
Timna Park (Elifaz, Israel) Tabernacle replica with menorah. This historic and geological park includes a replica of the Tabernacle, including replicas of "the altar, the laver, and the magnificent priestly garments, including the breastplate and ...the Table of the Shewbread, the candelabrum, the incense altar and the Holy of Holies." Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
Mishkan Ministries Tabernacle. The golden candlestick was a very important item within the tabernacle's holy place. Like all other furniture, it was also very costly. At the end of each branch, and at the end of the central shaft, were lamps that contained oil. The branches and the shaft were beaten into a series of knobs, bowls, and flowers. An equal number of these constituted each branch and the shaft. Source: Link
The Tabernacle Experience (Capistrano, California): Mobile replica of the Wilderness Tabernacle, the ministry originated in California but tours nationally. Source: Link
The Bible Exhibition, supplied by Hildenborough Gospel Hall, includes: History, Geography and Art from the beginning of time until early Christianity. There are panels of: creation, Israel leaving Egypt, the Israelitish calendar and agriculture, the kings of Israel, the life of the Lord Jesus etc and a time line. Interspersed with this, there are: Life-sized figures of Israelites from about 4,000 years ago and a Roman soldier, models of the tabernacle and Solomon’s and Herod’s temples... Link1, Link2
Garden of Bible Stories, Samaria. The Garden is located at the very heart of the land where the Biblical stories from the books of Joshua and Samuel took place. The highlight of the Biblical Garden is the Tabernacle and its vessels. This tabernacle and its courtyard were built with the help and guidance of Rabbi Menachem Makover, former director of the Temple Institute Jerusalem. This tabernacle is based (wherever possible) on the scriptures in the Torah portion “Trumah” in Ex 25. Link1, Link2
View of a Jewish temple interior, showing the holy room. Adjoining the holy of holies, this room had an incense altar, a menorah and a shewbread table. By Mary Evans Picture Library. Fine Art America. Source: Link
Model of the Tabernacle, which was created by children. This example shows how parents can introduce their children to the Bible's inspiration. Source: Link
Plastic Model kit of the Tabernacle by Vision Video. This model is a miniature representation of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament. The model includes each of the pieces used in the Tabernacle as described in the Bible. When completed, it is a 90:1 scaled model (12x21) w/ a 1" base of the Tabernacle described in the book of Exodus. Source: Link1, Link2
Menorah, Ark of the Covenant and a Levite. It is a simple kit with a total of 46 parts with instructions as PDF, which comes as e-mail. For children's church service and as a gift. These figures are made in small series, elaborately by hand, in Germany. So it is not a cheap mass production, but valuable small "works of art". ® LEGO and its logos are trademarks and protected by the LEGO Group. Source: Link1, Link2
The Holy Place. Here’s the interior of the Tabernacle known as “The Holy Place.” Behind those cherub-adorned curtains (“the veil”) is the “Holy of Holies”, the remote chamber containing the Ark of the Covenant with its cherub-adorned Mercy Seat. For a deity that prohibited graven images, YHWH sure demanded a lot of graven images of cherubs. Source: Link
3D model of the golden menorah. Source: Link
Evangelical Cemetery in Marl, Germany. The urns are located in a park-like cemetery facility. The basic form of the park, which is easily recognizable from an aerial perspective, is reminiscent of a Jewish seven-branched candelabrum menorah and establishes a commitment to the fact that Christianity has its roots here. Source: Link
Satellite view of the city Gagny: the avenues of the district Maison Blanche à Gagny form a Menorah. Gagny is a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 14.2 km (8.8 mi) from the center of Paris. We do not find an explanation on the web about this curious construction of the streets of Gagny and which, in principle, is unique in France. Source: Link1, Link2
The city map of San Diego (Ingraham Street, USA) reminds of the menorah. Source: Google maps
GPS Menorah. Local runner from New York with GPS tracking device recently found a perfect way to celebrate Hanukkah by running a menorah - complete with lit flames - on the curved streets of Rego Park, Queens. The Rego Park is a neighborhood in the borough of Queens in New York City. There is a large Jewish population in the neighborhood, which features high-rise apartment buildings and detached houses, as well as a large commercial zone. Source: Link1, Link2
Menorah Monument to the ghetto victims at Jewish cemetery in Terezin (Theresienstadt). Tens of thousands of people died there, some killed outright and others dying from malnutrition and disease. More than 150,000 other persons (including tens of thousands of children) were held there for months or years, before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz. Source: Link
2000. Willy Brandt Monument in Warsaw. Kniefall von Warschau ("Warsaw Genuflection") refers to a gesture of humility and penance by German Chancellor Willy Brandt towards the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The monument with a menorah was unveiled on 6 Dec. 2000, the day before 30th anniversary of the event. Source: Link1, Link2
In March 2022, Russian forces fired on the Drobyzkyjar memorial site on the outskirts of Kharkiv, Ukraine. The Drobitsky Yar Memorial commemorates 16,000 to 20,000 Jews and Soviet prisoners who were murdered there by the Nazi occupation in 1941-42. The Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 not only killed Ukrainians and Jews, but also Holocaust survivors, which makes the war, which Putin downplays as a "special operation", even worse. Soon all criminals will stand before God. Link1, Link2, Link3
2002. When the old Synagogue of Barcelona (3rd-4th century; wall at the photo is from the 13th-17th centuries) opened in 2002, Ferrán Aguiló donated a Menorah in memory of his ancestors. The meeting room has a small size (12x7 m), but it was the largest size allowed at a previous time. Its entrance was formerly from the northwest, from where the first thing they saw was the windows, which were aligned with the light of Jerusalem. Ferrán Aguiló (born 1957) is a Spanish sculptor from Palma de Mallorca. Source: Link1, Link2
Part of the Jewish Museum Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Commemorative plaque of the Rabbi Moses ben Nahman. Also known as Nachmanides (1194-1270). Depiction of a menorah and leaves motifs. The museum provides an overview of Jewish life from the 9th century until Jews were banished in 1492. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
Artistic interpretation of the Menorah (in the Knesset) with the seven fruits of the Torah. According to God's request, His people should be the "light among the nations" (Isaiah 42:6). The Menorah embodies in spirituality spiritual enlightenment, and joy of life. The light comes from God at the beginning of the creation story: "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:2). It can only be about divine light, because he created sun, moon or stars only on the fourth day. (© Matthias Hinrichsen). Source: Link
2002. The Genealogy of Christ (Mt 1:1-17). Donald Jackson. The intricate gold medallions above the menorah were inspired by illuminations from the Koran. Abraham's name appears at the bottom, at the very top is the name of Jesus. Image copyright: The Saint John's Bible and Saint John's University. Source: Link
Traditional Menorah by David Fisher (an Israeli graphic designer, artist). Color: Red, Blue. Laser Paper-Cut. This original design by Jerusalem artist David Fisher features several traditional Jewish decorative motifs in one beautiful piece of art, including the Menorah, or seven-branched candelabrum, a ram, symbolizing the Binding of Isaac, and the pomegranate, one of the 7 Biblical fruits native to the Land of Israel and symbol of abundance and righteousness. Source: Link1, Link2
2007. Jewish Menorah Monument (designed by Marek Cecula) is commemorating Nazi victims of Kielce Ghetto erected is a monument commemorating 20,000 Jews from Kielce Ghetto murdered by German Nazis in August 1942 and was dedicated to the victims by residents of Kielce, a city in in south central Poland. The monument in the shape of the Menorah was erected on the 65th anniversary of the liquidation of Ghetto in Kielce. Israelimages. Source: Link1, Link2
2007. CD Cover Margaret Martin Kvamme, Sevenfold Gifts (Albany Records, 2007). Classical Music. Mendelssohn, Bach, Morrison, Diemer...Picture: Menorah from the 12th century inside the Braunschweig (Brunswick) Cathedral in Germany. Source: Link
Manado, the second largest city in Sulawesi (Indonesia), is home not only to the fourth-tallest statue of Jesus in the world, but also to a 62 foot tall menorah. The menorah was erected at the cost of $150,000 by the government of this largely Christian region. The Jakarta Globe reports that the menorah was the brainchild of Denny Wowiling, a local legislator in the hopes that it would help attract European tourists and business. Source: Link1, Link2
The National Menorah is a large hanukkah menorah located in the northeast quadrant of The Ellipse near the White House in Washington, D.C. It was first lit in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter, and has been erected and lit every year since. The Menorah has grown in size as well, and is now 30 feet (9.1 m) high. However, the biblical menorah has not 9 but only 7 arms (see more info about the construction of the menorah). Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
One of the largest Hanukkah menorahs (40 foot high) in the world lives on Philadelphia’s Independence Mall. Photo courtesy Independence Visitor Center. Source: Link
New York Hanukkah. The world's largest Hanukkah (Chanukah) menorah. It stands 32-feet tall and weighs about 4,000 pounds. You can find the menorah at 59th Street and 5th Avenue, Manhattan. It was first built 40 years ago by the Lubavitch Youth Organization. The design was inspired by a hand drawing by the Rambam (Maimonides) Source: Link1, Link2
2012. The new Israeli biometric passport. Date first issued 1 January 2012. Israeli passports are navy blue, with the Israeli emblem in the center of the front cover, below the words "מדינת ישראל" and "STATE OF ISRAEL" in Hebrew and English. The inner pages are decorated with the Israeli emblem of olive branches and the seven-branched menorah. Israeli passports are valid for up to 10 years for persons over the age of 18. They are bilingual, using Hebrew and English. Source: Link1, Link2
Shabbat candles by Steve Karro, Jewish Art Oil Painting Gallery. This is a Handmade oil painting reproduction on high quality canvas. Source: Link
Welcoming the Shabbat by Elena Flerova. Jewish Art Oil Painting Gallery. Elena was born in Moscow in 1943. She graduated with honors from the prestigious Surikov Fine Arts Institute in 1969. Her top graduate standing won her a scholarship to the National Academy of Fine Arts, a scool admitting only a limited number of exceptionally gifted artists. Source: Link1, Link2
Lion Of Judah - Menorah. Artist: Bob and Nadine Johnston. Medium: Painting, Acrylic On Canvas. Description: The Lion of Judah, backed by a Menorah. The background is a dark red/brown in color though it may look almost black on some computer screens. Painted on a gallery wrapped canvas. Nadine prefers acrylic, as she believes it is much longer lasting and less apt to change color than oil which is effected by sun and weather, etc... Source: Link
"Yeshua: Lion of Judah, our Menorah, baptiser with holy Fire." Image of friends from a pro-Israel meeting and Blog with messianic Jewish. The message after the meeting was: "Thanks to all readers worldwide, who we may serve with giving a voice to Israel, and for the eternal Covenant which God gave to the Land and the people of Yisrael, whatever the world and all anti-forces will speak against it." Source: Link
Spencer Williams Menorah. In this Jewish themed piece, based on the Psalm Isaiah 60:1, the Lion of Judah, doves, planet Earth and the entire cosmos accompany a Menorah. © Spencer Williams through Source: Link
Wild Menorah is a painting by Dawnstarstudios. "Faith is not in our temples and stone walls. It is in our hearts, wherever we go it is there. Displaced, we retain our connection to G-d and the universe wherever we may travel. And we are just as blessed and graced with favor, for what work of man compares to that of the Divine?" Fine Art America. Source: Link
Menorah pictures by Yoram Raanan. He graduated from the University of Arts, Philadelphia (BFA 1975). He traveled and studied independently throughout Europe and the Near East. In 1977 he settled in Israel and opening his first studio in the Bukharim Quarter in Jerusalem. Raanan's paintings are a modern expression of Jewish collective consciousness. He is inspired by the Bible, nature and the Land of Israel. Source: Link
The Menorah: Joy & Illumination by Yoram Raanan. Yoram takes inspiration from living in Israel, where he can fully explore and express his Jewish consciousness. The light, the air, the spirit of the people and the land energize and inspire him. His paintings include modern Jewish expressionism with a wide range of subjects ranging from abstract to landscape, biblical and Judaic. Source: Link1, Link2
Light Radiates from The Temple Menorah. Art by Yoram Raanan. The menorah of the Temple evokes the image of a tree of life and a tree of fire, while the oil with which it was kindled represents the constancy of the light. In the painting, rays emanate from a menorah which looks like a cosmic tree in an enchanted forest. Second picture: Jerusalem Menorah. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
Seven Fruits of Israel Menorah. Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. Computer Generated. Jewish Messianic. Source: Link
Menorah painting by David G. Vogel. He writes regarding the menorah in Exodus 25: "I found it intriguing that the almond blossom is used to describe the bulbs and branches. (the almond staff of Aaron that budded a branch has great significance.) while there is no longer a temple in Jerusalem for the menorah to rest, one enduring purpose is to give light to man of the presence of Hashem throughout the world..." Source: Link
Menorah painting by David G. Vogel. Source: Link
Menorah painting by David G. Vogel. Source: Link
Menorah painting by David G. Vogel. Source: Link
Menorah painting by David G. Vogel. Source: Link
Stan Jorgensen Abstract Watercolor Flaming Menora Tree. This abstract watercolor was created by Stan Jorgensen. His works have been displayed at the B.J. Spoke Gallery in Huntington, NY. He was a member of the National Art League and won an award from them in 2013. This piece was purchased directly from his estate in NY. It is on watercolor paper and measures 40" x 28". His insignia SEJ monogram is on the bottom middle. LiveAuctioneers. Source: Link
Menorah by Aiden Kashi. This is an oil canvas painting which I took and played around with the colors on Adobe Photoshop. There are many other color schemes of this painting available. It has a very 3D feeling to it. Fine Art America. Source: Link
A modern Menorah drawing after Stephen Haskell's book "The Cross and It's Shadows" (1914). But the arrangement of the almond blossoms on the menorah does not comply with the requirements of the book Exodus. The golden menorah with its lamps was on the south side of the first apartment of the sanctuary. It took a hard and skilful blow to form those delicate flowers and bowls; but the candlestick was to be made after the heavenly model to teach heavenly lessons to mankind. Link1, Link2
Menorah by David Michael Donnangelo. Original Acrylic Painting with Gold. Title: "The War with Light against the deliberate False is coming from Heaven". "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought back" (Revelation 12:7); "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known" (Luke 12:2). Size: Approx 11" x 14". Source: Link1, Link2
Menorah by Sandra Yegiazaryan. Medium: Painting, 24 Carat Gold On Canvas. Description: 20 x 20 cm, surface, 24 carat Gold on canvas. "Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119, 105). Source: Link
Menorah by Sherry Haney. "I just finished a piece for Christmas and realized I had not done anything for the Jewish Holiday. After lots of research, I found that the candle stand was to be of gold and decorated with Almond Flowers & Almond Buds, if desired. The flowers shown are Almond Flowers. It’s sketched in pencil. The flowers are in colored pencils." Source: Link
Native Art by Jean-Pierre Lorand, born in Valenciennes, but he lives in Brussels. He works in publicity as a creative designer, and describes himself as a self-taught painter. He developed a slightly candid artistic expression, wich presents a fine stroke and great quality, along with an uncommon pictorial rigor. Source: Link1, Link2
Almond Blossom Menorah Candelabrum (lampstand) - A painting by Cassandra Donnelly. This was a commissioned piece on a piece of oak wood. Source: Link
Title: Alef Bet And Poem. Artist: Carola Hume. Medium: Painting, Crayons On Paper. Description: Painting & poem entry for Gina Nicolae Johnson's contest. Source: Link
Menorah Tree is a piece of digital artwork by Peter Awax, graphic art. In contrast to the bibel, this menorah does not have 7 but 9 lamps. Fine Art America. Source: Link
Ephesians 2 Oil on canvas by Ans Leitner from the Netherlands. The painting portrays a menorah growing out from an olive tree. The apostle Paul compares Israel to an olive tree (Romans 11). Whoever looks at this painting carefully, recognizes - out of the trunk of the olive tree - the figure of the crucified Jesus. He belongs inseparably to the olive tree. Source: Link1, Link2
Title: Never Ending Supply. Artist: Wayne Cantrell. Medium: Painting, Acrylic On Canvas. Description: The Menorah is a symbol closely associated with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah (Chanukah). According to the Talmud, after the Seleucid desecration of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, there was only enough sealed (and therefore not desecrated) consecrated olive oil left to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days... Source: Link
Olive tree menorah by Jay Myers. Jacob’s deathbed blessing of Asher reads, “Asher’s food shall be rich, and he shall yield royal delicacies” (Gen 49:20). This richness is attributed to the fact that his territory in the Land would be filled with an abundance of olive trees. The symbol on the standard of the tribe of Asher as they camped and traveled through the wilderness was a large, fruitful olive tree. When Moses later adds his blessing to the tribes, he says of Asher, “He will dip his feet in oil” (Dt 33:24). Source: Link
Title: Olive Tree Menorah by Cheryl Rose. Acrylic On Canvas. For Christians the olive tree is meaningful regarding the Hebraic roots of Christianity. Paul, a Pharisee, wrote, that through Jesus, Christians have been grafted in among the native branches of Israel's olive tree, and share in the nourishing sap from the olive root. He warned Christians to remember "You do not support the root, but the root supports you." The Light of the menorah is a cherished reminder to Jew and Christian of Bible passages that speak of God's word as a light. Link
Title: Eternal Oil by Carliss Prosser. Painting, Acrylic. Description: It is a depiction of the vision that Zechariah had which the angel interpreted for him. The two olive trees represent the old and new testaments of the Bible, or the two witnesses. The Lampstand represents the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the golden oil from the crushed olives of the two trees represents the continual eternal flow of revelation of the Holy Spirit. Source: Link
Title: Menorah. Artist: David Rakia. Medium: Painting, Print On Canvas. Description: The Seven-branched Menorah, the Hebrew letter Mem is under the Menorah - it is the first letter of the Menorah, the Hebrew letter Shin is in the fire - It is the letter of fire. Source: Link
Light Of Life by Nancy Cupp. 16 x 20 acrylic paint on canvas. The Menorah, representing the light of the world turns into a kind of tree with it's roots in Yeshua. He said "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jews and Christians are both seeking the coming of the Messiah (Ha Mashiach). Anti-Semitism separated the early church from its Jewish roots a long time ago. Many Jews and Christians don’t realize that Jesus was a Jew and raised in a Jewish home. Link
Chabad Menorah is a painting by Miriam Shaw. "The lighting of the menorah on Chanukah creates light in the darkness, a sense that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always hope, and a small spark can cause new life, color and vitality to grow. Acrylic palette knife painting on 24" x 36" stretched canvas". Contrary to the biblical Menorah, this lamp does not have 7 but 9 lights. Fine Art America. Source: Link
Menorah painting (oil on canvas) by Esther Guenassia, Israel. 35x22 cm. Ester (1964-) wasborn inParis, today she lives and works in Israel. Source: Link
Menorah et la colombe (Menorah and the dove) by ED SMITE (1970- ), a duet of artists composed of Elisabeth & David SMITE; married in life, they are also married on the web. They have been working together since 2005. From France and from overseas, Elisabeth was born in France in 1976, David was born in Martinique in 1970; they both grew up in the Paris region. Source: Link
Menorah painting (Acryl on canvas) by Marie Rouach, Israel. Dimensions: 100/100 cm. Source: Link
Title: Israel Forever. Artist: Jennifer Page. Medium: Painting Digital. Description: Israel Forever, God made covenant with Israel and He hasn't changed that. Reference: Jeremiah 31, 2 Samuel 7:16, Exodus 19-24. Source: Link
Menorah is a photograph by John Greim. Fine Art America. Source: Link
Menorah is a photograph by John Greim. Fine Art America. Source: Link
Title: Intercession. Artist: Nancy Cupp. Medium: Painting; Atelier Interactive Acrylics On Eucaboard. Description: 16 x 20 inches, painting using Judaic objects for a still life with menorah, a shofar, and a prayer shawl. Each have great spiritual significance. The prayer shawl has fringe along the edge that represent the 613 laws of the Old Testament. Source: Link
Rainbow Judaism Symbol is a piece of digital artwork by Frederick Holiday. Fine Art America. Source: Link
BLANODO Menorah by Israeli Artist-painter Yehouda Morin - YOUD. Source: Link
Seven Branch Menorah (2007). Artist: Mark Podwal. Acrylic, gouache, and colored pencil on paper, 12 x 14 inches. Source: Link
“Can These Bones Live?” From Ezekiel’s Vision (2012-2013). Colored pencil and digital image on archival paper by Mark Podwal. The Lord’s question to Ezekiel “Son of man, can these bones live” is seen in a collection of human bones in the shape of a menorah, reflecting the ultimate restoration of the Jewish people both in the miracle of the oil in the time of the Maccabees and the creation of the modern State of Israel. Museum of Biblical Art. Source: Link
Menorah by Nik Tod. Style of art: "Rainism", pouring acrylic paints point by point painted into the canvas - same like colorful rain. Mixed media painting - acrylic paints on cotton canvas. Dimension: height 32" (80cm) x width 32" (80cm) x thickness 1" (2.00 cm). N!k Fine Arts, London. Source: Link
Menorah Giclee by Geula Twersky. The Menorah is seen rising above the arch of Titus, in celebration of the triumph of the Jewish people's return to the Land of Israel. The old city of Jerusalem rises above the arch, and is illuminated up by the flames of the Menorah. Large (60 cm or 23.6" longest side). Source: Link
21st (or 20th?) century. The Rabbi. 36" x 36" oil on canvas. Striking and inspirational portrait of a rabbi with the shadow of a menorah in the background. Artist has signed this portrait but name is difficult to decipher. Goldbergcoins, Lot 1116. Source: Link
Menorah by Brachaim. She was born in a small German town, near the border with Holland / Netherlands and learned to paint from childhood. She studied art famous arts schools of North Rhine-Westphalia. She lived between the years 1978 - 1988 in Stockholm, Sweden. Since 2005 Brachaim lives in the USA in Seattle. Brachaim is affiliated with the art organization Path with Art on site for the homeless and former homeless, where she has been regularly engaged since 2012. Source: Link
Painting by David G. Vogel. He writes: "2 rabbis stand listening while 3rd rabbi reads from the bimah, with ark in background. Back in October I took up a project that had been awaiting my attention. this scene was composed (credit due to imagery by R. Tanenbaum) by our associate rabbi and given to me; he indicated it can be used frequently in his web design work and would appreciate having it done “anyway you chose to.” ..." Watercolor. Source: Link
The Chanukah Menorah Cod placed in a Cape Cod pine forest. Dimensions: The card measures 7 x 5, comes with envelope and is packaged in a clear cello sleeve. Convo Cape Card if five or more are to be ordered. Illustration copyright © 2018 by Andrew Newman. Source: Link
Hanukkah Menorahs arrow Butterflies by David (Dudu) Gerstein (born 1944), an Israeli painter and sculptor. Printed on both sides. Size: W:49 x H:29 x D:21 cm. Year: 2010. Medium: Steel. Technique: Print on steel. David (Dudu) Gerstein was born in 1944 in Jerusalem to parents who immigrated from Poland. Source: Link1, Link2
Handmade Hanukkah candle holder made of ceramics. This menorah has 9 tiny egg-shaped bowls for placing candles in them. Product details: Length: 20" (50 cm). Width: 2.4" (6 cm). Height: 2.4-3.5" (6-9 cm). Source: Link
Menorah System Outer Space Hanukkah Rocket Ship Planets. Our solar system has 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. In ancient times (Babylon, Rome) the days of the week were named after the 7 planets that were visible to the eye, which also symbolized gods: Sunday (Sun; day of the Sun God Sol Invictus), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus) and Saturday (Saturn). Source: Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4
The golden seven-branched menorah in flames. The artist or designer is unknown to us. Source: Link
Genesis 12:3. Standing With Israel. Artist: Wayne Cantrell. Medium: Painting, Acrylic On Gallery Wrapped Canvas. Description: "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 12:3, King James Bible). Source: Link
Rose P. Acron, Still Life of Judaica Oil on Canvas. Framed oil on canvas still life depicting a flag, menorah, Torah titled "Hope of Israel". Liveauctioneers, Lot 0024, 2018. Source: Link
German Magazin MENORA - is not just a magazine, but a group of like-minded people whose goal is to spread the truth about Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). The Hebrew word "menorah" means seven-branched candelabrum that stood in the temple and always shone. Today he is a symbol of the Messiah and the Word of God, of which Isaiah 42:6 prophesied. Source: Link
Book title: "The Menorah, the Ancient 7-Armed Candelabrum: Origin, Form and Significance" by Rachel Hachlili (2001). The book is presenting the art, archaeological, historical and literary evidence for the development, form, meaning, and significance of the menorah during the Second Temple period and the Late Antiquity. Rachel Hachlili, Ph.D. in Archaeology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, is Professor at the Department of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Israel. Source: Link1, Link2
Book title: "The Menorah: Evolving into the Most Important Jewish Symbol" by Rachel Hachlili (Author). The Menorah was the most important Jewish symbol in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora. The prominent position of the menorah emphasizes its significance. The book presents the menorah development, form, meaning, significance, and symbolism in antiquity. Hardcover, 2 August 2018, ca. 300 pages. Source: Bookstore or online shops ( e.g. Amazon, BOL ...).
Book title: "The Menorah: From the Bible to Modern Israel" by Dr. Steven Fine (Yeshiva University professor, New York City), 2016. Fine is the head of the Arch of Titus Digital Restoration Project. The team discovered original yellow ochre paint that was originally on the menorah at the arch. Source: Bookstore or online shops (e.g. Amazon, BOL ...).
2014. German book about menorahs and Jewish life in the Roman province: "Im Licht der Menora: Jüdisches Leben in der römischen Provinz". Raphael Gross, Sven Hansen, Michael Lenarz, Patricia Rahemipour. 480 pages, 200 pictures. Campus Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Book: The Feasts of Adonai, Why Christians Should Look at the Biblical Feasts. Author: Valerie Moody. 22 festivals, including God's feasts and the feasts of the people. Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Firstfruits, Counting the Omer, Feast of Weeks or Shavuot, Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Ha Shanah, Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, Feast of Tabernacles, Hannukah, Purim, Tisha B'Av, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Israeli Independence Day.... Gibbora Productions. Source: A bookstore.
2014. Article about "Satanic Menorah" by Dr. Franco Adessa (Italy), showing that some forms of the menorah were not achieved according to the instruction of the Bible (Ex 25:31-40), but with several occult signs and symbols. Source: Link1, Link2
2016. Pope Francis visited the Great Synagogue of Rome. In history, there were big problems between Catholics and Jews. One of the most famous Catholics was Adolf Hitler. "Hitler was a Roman Catholic throughout his life" (Wikipedia). He killed not only Jews but also Catholics from many other countries; during and after WW2 Eastern European Catholics killed many German Catholics and Protestants, especially from Silesia, Bohemia, Prussia, Pomerania. its against the way of Jesus. Link1, Link2, Link3
2016. When Pope Francis (born 1936; the 266th and current Pope) visited the Great Synagogue of Rome on 17 January 2016, he was given two gifts. They were an acrylic painting on a linen canvas of a menorah called “Menorah” by the Tunisian-Jewish painter, sculptor, and poet Georges de Canino. It is an ancient olive tree with seven branches and the arms facing up, whose ancient and deep roots represent the upper part. A kabbalistic painting of the menorah. Source: Link1, Link2
2017. The Jewish Press front page, Hanukkah Edition. Published on Dec 6, 2017. The picture shows a nine armed chandelier. Source: Link
Sabbath menorah Anna G Brazilian embroidery stamped white linen. Source: Link
21th century. Siona Benjamin combines Jewish and Indian elements. Some arts remembers to Lilith (queen of the demons) and Shiva (goddess of Hinduism), dancing beside a snake (the evil inclination?) and a sphinx blowing a horn (shofar?). This frightening image has nothing to do with the biblical menorah (Ex 25:31-40). Source: Link1, Link2
2017. Advertising plate with the photo of the Arch of Titus with golden Menorah. The exhibition "La Menorà. Culto, storia e mito" ("The Menorah: worship, history and myth") is the name of the exhibition that from 16 May to 23 July will be on simultaneous display in the Braccio di Carlo Magno of the Vatican Museums, and in the Jewish Museum of Rome. The exhibition represents the first joint project between the two institutions. Source: Link
2017. "La Menorà, Culto, storia e mito" by A. Di Castro, F. Leone, A. Nesselrath. This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition in Rome. The volume retraces the compelling and incredible history of the Menorah. Over 400 pages, rich in introductive texts, in Italian and English, and images as well as the reproduction in color of all the 130 works of art on display, deriving from the most important museums worldwide. Source: Link
2017. Joel Arthur Rosenthal (JAR), an American jeweler who works in Paris, creates his first piece of Judaica for the exhibition "The Menorah: Cult, History and Myth." The menorah is shaped like the limb of a blooming almond tree, with pink enamel flowers and a central bud glowing with a pavé mix of white and gold diamonds, blue and violet sapphires, and pink rubies. High: 31 cm. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
The State of Israel has published numerous stamps with the depiction of the Menorah.Some pictures are historical (many show the lampstand from the arch of Titus in Rome), the others have modern forms of the seven-armed chandelier.
2017. The stamp depicts a stylized Hanukkah menorah in different shades of blue, with a shamash (or “helper”) candle at its centre. The golden Star of David at the top of the shamash represents the lit flame. As with all 2017 stamp issues, these stamps include a reference to Canada's sesquicentennial. Printed in microtype, the words 'Canada 150' run vertically up the right side. Stamp designer: Angela Carter, Entro Communications. Quantity produced: 300,000. Size: 28 mm x 35 mm. Source: Link
2017. Israeli Post stamp. To commemorate the 120th year of Zionist Organization of America. Founded in 1897, the ZOA is one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. The stamp depicts the Statue of Liberty along with the four symbols under the Menorah representing the main areas of ZOA activity: Congress, Justice system, Higher Education, and Media. the tab showcases the flags of Israel and USA. Source: Link1, Link2
2018. Israel and US postal services issue joint Hanukkah stamp. Communications Minister Kara and US Ambassador Friedman attend commemorative launch, which also marks 70 years of diplomatic relations. US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, right, and Israel's Communications Minister Ayoub Kara unveil the Israel Post and US Postal Service joint stamp for Hanukkah at the American Center, Jerusalem, October 16, 2018. (Matty Stern/US Embassy Jerusalem). Source: Link1, Link2
The Blue Marina in Ashdod is one of the newest marinas in Israel. It is located close to the city center in the middle of beach zone. The marina has berths for nearly 550 crafts. The shape of the plant is reminiscent of a menorah. Ashdod is the sixth-largest city and has also the largest port in Israel accounting for 60% of the country's imported goods. Ashdod is located in the Southern District of the country, on the Mediterranean coast. Source: Link
The Menorah Islands Project is an idea for a complex of 7+2 artificial islands off the coast of Israel. 7 islands are permanent, with residential areas, retail, and institutes of higher learning. The outermost islands on either side emerge from the water at different points throughout the year to mark holidays and other celebrations. Source: Link
Different menorah forms, made in gilt bronze. It consists of a single piece of solid bronze, which was manufactured at a small, well-known bronze foundry in Germany. One candlestick of those, a very elaborate menorah, it reminds, more than any other, of the tree of life. Levy's Contor Berlin. Source: Link
7 Branch Sderot Menorah. Made from Kassam Rockets. Be in awe of this exquisite Menorah with seven branches, designed from actual rockets fired into Israel. From the Hebrew and English inscriptions of "beat their swords into plowshares" at its base to the intricate detail of each branch and candle holder, this Menorah is absolutely extraordinary. Display this in your home and be inspired by what it represents- turning terror and darkness into peace and light. Limited Ed. Link1, Link2, Link3
Multicolor seven-branched menorah. The menorah is described in the Bible as the seven-lamp ancient Hebrew lampstand made of pure gold and used in the portable sanctuary set up by Moses in the wilderness and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. This is a modern menorah of multicolor Aluminum. Size: 7.5" x 8". Source: Link
Jeweled Menorah Tree Ivory. Dimensions 22x18 cm. Pewter Alloy 24 Kt. Gold Plated Enamel Coating. Source: Link
Menorah Pendants. Left side: Set with 2000 year old ancient Roman glass fragment in modern silver or gold. Set with sterling silver brooch with central menorah and three hanging simulated garnets. Right side: 14K Yellow Gold Menorah Pendants with Rubies or Diamonds. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6, Link7, Link8
Messianic Seal pendants with menorah, gold and silver. Messianic Judaism believes that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and "God the Son", and that the Tanakh (OT) and New Testament (NT) are the authoritative. The messianic seal originated as early as the 1st century AD (Link to the originals). Source: Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4
2019. A group of German Christians brought a life-size 120 kg Menorah replica to Jerusalem, the site of the temple from which the original was stolen 2,000 years ago. During the Second World War, many German Christians who followed Jesus were killed by the Nazis. They died in the same concentration camps as the Jews. Today no one thinks of them anymore, but God has not forgotten them and will reward their love and courage. Photo: Esty Dziubov/TPS. Source: Link
Jerusalem sage. Salvia palaestina; S. hierosolymitana; S. Judaica. The architecture recalls the shape of the Menorah. The Hebrew word “Marva” (Salvia) was originated from the Hebrew word “Moriah” (the Temple Mount name), reflecting the connection between this plant and the Menorah. However, the Menorah of God is not a sage, but a tree of life and has round arms. Source: Link1, Link2, Link3
This is really amazing. Even the periodic system of the chemical elements has in its complete form the appearance of the menorah. The unification of the elements results when all the elements with similar chemical and physical characteristics are arranged as closely together as possible. Source: Link
The periodic table of chemical elements with seven fire-flames. Menorah image, it shows God as the creator of the chemical elements. Beautiful illustration. Same source as above. Link
Same source as above. Link
Until the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-10th, 11th-13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Century
Note: It's nice to see the menorah pictures. However, according to the Bible Jesus (Hebrew Yeshua) is the true spiritual meaning behind the physical Menorah. He is the
true and eternal spiritual light: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). The menorah also symbolizes the
Tree of Life, because Jesus is the way to life: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Jesus' Word and the Bible are the light in this world. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a
light to my path" (Ps 119:105 and John 1:1-17).
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