The Construction of the Menorah and the Bible

Structure of the Bible

Bible, 49 scrolls, 66, 70, books, Old Testament, New Testament, Law, Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Acts, Epistles, Revelation, Books, Divisions Bible, parts

The Bible consists of 7 parts. Old and New Testament ware written on 49 scrolls (22+27), but the Bible contains 66 (39+27) or 70 (10x7) books. It also describes the "Book of Life"

Structure of the Menorah

Menorah, Bible, Israel, seven armed candlestick, candelabra , 7, seven branched, chandelier

The biblical Menorah has 7 lamps, 22 almond blossoms, 27 connections (22+27=49) and 66 flower items. On the shaft and on the left side are 39 and on the right side 27 flower items.

Ancient Menorahs

Ancient Menorahs, Menorah, ancient, old, pictures, koins

A list with many examples of ancient and new Menorahs from over 2,000 years of human history. The first pictures of the Menorah were already made before Jesus' birth.

Facsimiles of the Original Historical Bibles

facsimiles bibles online download

Alphabets, Numeric Values

Hebrew Greek Alphabet, Numeric Values, Bible

The Rapture

The Rapture of the Church sky

Rabbi Kaduri's Messiah Note

Rabbi Kaduri note, Messiah Name Yehoshua Jesus, Kaduri Note

The 7 Biblical Proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath Morning

sabbath resurrection Jesus, 3 days 3 nights, Passover week

The Calendar of God and the Seven Feasts of the Bible

Calendar of God, seven Feasts, Jewish Calendar, Calendar of the Bible, High Sabbaths

The Inaugural Bibles of the Presidents of the USA

Inauguration Bibles Presidents USA

Historical Menorah Images from all Centuries

illustrations Menorah Images bible

The King James Bible (KJV) was not inspired by God

1611 King James Bible 1611 not inspired by God











"Love never ends"

(1Cor 13:8)